Full List Of Winners For Each Male And Female Mr. Olympia 2021 Competition
As a tradition, Mr. Olympia 2021 competition
will hold in Orlando Florida this weekend. In this competition, bodybuilders
from around the world will compete in 11 categories.
Numerous sporting news agencies around the
world are tracking the results for each of the events which include the Mr. and
Ms. Olympia competitions.
The just last year
2020m the Mr. Olympia champion was Mamdouh Elssbiay who is also known as Big
Ramy from Egypt. He will also return to the Mr. Olympia championship this year
2021 to defend his title.
Below is a list of
the Winners of the Mr. Olympia title from the year 2000 till date.
List of Mr. Olympia winners
Year |
name |
2020 |
Mamdouh Elssbiay |
2019 |
Brandon’s curry |
2018 |
Shawn Rhoden |
2017 |
Phil Heath |
2016 |
Phil Heath |
2015 |
Phil Heath |
2014 |
Phil Heath |
2013 |
Phil Heath |
2012 |
Phil Heath |
2011 |
Phil Heath |
2010 |
Jay cutler |
2009 |
Jay cutler |
2008 |
Dexter Jackson |
2007 |
Jay cutler |
2006 |
Jay cutler |
2005 |
Ronnie Coleman |
2004 |
Ronnie coleman |
2003 |
Ronnie Coleman |
2002 |
Ronnie coleman |
2001 |
Ronnie Coleman |
2000 |
Ronnie coleman |
This list designates the
previous winners of Mr. Olympia from 2000 to 2020.
Who has gotten the most Olympia
wins in history at eight per day? Ronnie Coleman(1998-2005) and lee Haney
(1984-1991). Those victories were also in consecutive years. The other person
behind them is Phil Health (2011-2017) with seven wins. All wins are back to