Derek Lunsford Wins 2021 212 Olympia Title

The Olympia is always an event to reckon with in the world of sports.  We cannot forget last year's Olympia in a hurry when Shaun Clarida has crowned the 212 Olympia champion amind tears of joy rolling from his eyes.  Fast forward to the years 2021 October 7-10, the city of Orlando Florida hosted another close battle for the Olympia title, and this time another person emerged as a winner.

  At this event, the 2020 Olympia champion Clarida came back to defend his title against one of the strongest roasters ever. Which include the duo of Karmal Elgargni who was the 2019 champion and Derek Lunsford.

    As we have it, Lunsford's posing routine and significantly improved package- which we can attribute to his new coach Hany Rambod – put in on the top to win the 2021 Olympia title.

    For the judges to compare and do pre-judging, Clarida, Elgargni, and Lunsford left to the top of the field to receive their final comparisons.  The three rotated spots and performed the same number of poses. Each of them posed to their presumed favored side all three times.

212 Olympia Finals

 The finals of the 2021 Olympia finals featured the top 10 athletes after pre-judging. The callout Featured the likes of Clarida, Lunsford, Elgargni, and Angel Calderon Frias. But Lunsford and Clarida maintained the center of the stage and never swapped.

   The second batch of callouts included Ahmad Ashkanani, Kerrith Bajjo, Tonio burton, Nathan Epler, Naser Mohammed, and John Jewett. This second callout had the battle for the final spot in the top five.  The judges did not ask any of the athletes to trade spaces. In the second callout, Epler and Ashkanani held the center. Ultimately,  Epler managed to enter the top 5.

 The third callout featured only Clarida in Lunsford in a head-to-head. They opened with a front double biceps and transgressed into a front lat spread. The broadcast team however noted the weight discrepancy between the two men. 

   Clarida weighs around 180 pounds on stage while Lunsford weighs around 212 pounds.   The judges swapped Lunsford`s and Clarida`s places and both bodybuilders performed every pose an additional time.   As judges looked, it seemed that the two of them were worthy of the title.

   This is Lunsford's fifth Olympia appearance and his first win. He came fifth in 2017, second in 2018 and 2019, and then came fourth in 2021.  According to NPC news online Lunsford has been competing since 2015 but won the title in 2021.