22-Year-Old Dog Named Oldest Living Dog On Earth

   Another record has been added to the prestigious Guinness world book of records. This time, it is not a feat achieved by a human. A dog just engraved its name in the Guinness world book of records as the oldest living dog on earth.

   According to the dog`s owner, Alex Wolf who resides in Colorado USA, he got the dog from a rescue shelter in 2022 and the dog was born two years earlier on Sept 24, 2000.  

Alex, who is now 40 years old, says he got him when he was at a university in California.

Speaking to Today, Alex said; ‘He’s been there every step of the way. ‘I’m so glad we got him. He’s the best.
‘If we were having a later night, he would stay up, and if I was sleeping in, he would sleep in. He was one of the guys.’

   When asked what he feels is the secret to his dog`s longevity, he said: ‘I give him all the credit. He’s gotten a lot of love, and I think he’s just a strong dog. He’s been there every step of the way. I’m so glad we got him. He’s the best.’

  When he first got the dog from the animal shelter, he intended to get a larger dog. But after meeting this dog, he decided he was the one and has since stuck with the dog.


  He said: ‘I’ve taken great care of him over the years and he is still in relatively very good shape…and cute still which is surprising considering his age!’

Despite the feat, Gino is not the oldest dog on record to have ever lived.

 Bluey, an Australian cattle dog is the oldest dog ever on record as he lived to be 29 and was eventually put to sleep in 1939.
The average lifespan of a medium-sized dog is 10 to 13 years.

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